Guest Blog Posting

A friend of mine always says “SEO is a very deep rabbit hole.” I find that to be more and more true the more I learn about Search Engine Optimization and the millions of ways you can spend your time trying to optimize you or your clients sites. My team and I have recently started looking into writing guest blog posts and what all that entails.

Guest Blog Posting Background
Guest blog posting was inspired by how hard it is to blog regularly. (Look at the consistency, or should I say inconsistency of how much I blog here). Bloggers are always looking for more content and more ways to spin that content as something new and interesting to their readers. Featuring a guest blogger solves both problems:

  • more content: the main blog writer gets a day off from writing
  • something new and interesting: the blog gets fresh, interesting content from a new perspective

Usually as a thank you to the guest poster, the guest is allowed to include a sign off reference to their own blog or website, link and all.

Our Journey to Guest Posting Oz
We don’t necessarily need the content but we could definitely use more exposure to readers of other blogs and the gratuitous links pointing back at our site. So our journey is to become guest blog posters. I quickly realized that the hardest part about guest blog posting was finding blogs to post to, then upon finding them, figuring out how to contact the author. As each blog became it’s own research project, I started to think the Guest Post idea was not worth the time involved.

Then I heard an interview on with Ann Smarty about her site: guest blog posting community – an open forum for bloggers to connect and share content ideas and unique/original posts with each other.

Screenshot of Guest Post Community

Regular bloggers go there to post guest authoring opportunities when they need a break from writing, and writers go there to earn valuable content placement in front of high-readership blog audiences. What a great free place to connect with other bloggers – thanks Ann!

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