Twitter Grows, I Blow My Nose

I picked up a cold that seems to be going around. It involves the lovely hacking cough, head ache, sore throat, sneezing and nose blowing that we all vehemently strive to stay away from throughout the winter months. It feels like I’m moving through it faster than some of my friends and co-workers, though – Hallelujah!

I was thinking about it, and if I did need to call in sick to work for a day or two, I’m not sure how restful that would be considering how connected we all are all the time. With the advent of Google Buzz, and the incredible growth of Twitter, more and more people are spending more Continue reading “Twitter Grows, I Blow My Nose”

The Buzz About Buzz

So… if there weren’t enough accounts, apps, and widgets for me to update… now Google wants in, with Buzz.

What is Buzz? Buzz is a status updater built into Gmail that lets you share information from across your Google world. You can choose to share posts, updates, pictures, videos, and links from flickr, picasa, Google Reader, Blogger, twitter… Continue reading “The Buzz About Buzz”

Better than Pandora?

I know what you’re thinking – nothing can be better than Pandora! Right? (Insert only a small amount of sarcasm).

Image of The Sixty One

At the heart of it, I really like Pandora – or at least the idea behind Pandora. Getting music suggestions based on artists you’ve entered or marked as liked seems like a great idea. And sometimes it works great… Continue reading “Better than Pandora?”

It’s Snowing at WordPress?

I knew I had stayed in the office too late on a Friday night when I started seeing white dots drift slowly across my screen. As I watched I quickly realized that it wasn’t a symptom of failing vision, but rather a Christmas gift to the dashboard of So I just sat and stared for a minute, pretending to be somewhere with real snow. After a while I snapped out of it and grabbed this screenshot to try and share the joyful holiday experience with everyone… Continue reading “It’s Snowing at WordPress?”

Finally Google Chrome Will be Fast AND Functional

I’ve been cheating on Google Chrome for a while now… But only because I have to. Whenever I’m doing just about any work online I always have Chrome open for my major browsing and Firefox open for any toolbars, bookmarking, SEO analysis, Delicious Browsing, etc.

Picture of Chrome Logo

But according to sources close to the situation, in the middle of next week we might see some much needed extensions released for the gloriously fast Chrome.

I’ve loved using Chrome up to this point for the simple fact that I can click it’s icon and my homepage opens as fast as the browser does. No load time. I love the blazing speed. Continue reading “Finally Google Chrome Will be Fast AND Functional”

Android On Roids Next Year

Ok, so there wasn’t a line of eager people around the block at your local Verizon store waiting for the launch of the Droid. But thats ok. Sometimes the things that make the biggest waves don’t start that way (and sometimes the things that start by making a big wave, fizzle out – example: myspace).

There has been loads of skepticism surrounding the new open-source mobile operating system, Android. It’s been said that it is too late for anyone to catch up with the iPhone’s impressive 100,000+ app offering. It’s been said that Android is at risk of splintering into several less impressive versions of itself.

But the truth is Continue reading “Android On Roids Next Year”

Bing Theme Song Video: Hires Children and Looses Some Cool Points

I have to say, I have had a growing appreciation for Microsoft’s new “decision engine” – Bing, since it came out in May. Although the straight forward results it gives after aren’t quite as relevant or impressive, it’s search suggestions and filters help you find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily.

So here’s I draw the line on the Bing Evangelism: when Microsoft starts enslaving and indoctrinating small, impressionable children. See video below: Continue reading “Bing Theme Song Video: Hires Children and Looses Some Cool Points”

Palm’s Hopes of an iPhone Killer: Killed.

A moment of silence.

R.I.P. all of Palm’s dreams of stepping up their game in the Smart-Touch-Media-Web-App phone competition. Sources say that Verizon has officially passed on the new supposed iPhone Killer – the Palm Pre – much to the surprise of a large number of people. Various reasons have been theorized by TC’s Devin Coldewey including: Continue reading “Palm’s Hopes of an iPhone Killer: Killed.”